Dil Kumari Lamichhanne
In Phedi, DIL KUMARI LAMICHHANNE, aged 62 years old belongs to Mukteshwor Women’s Empowerment group. She is illiterate, lives with her eight family members and has 5 ropani (land) where she farms peas, potato, spinach and radish. She is involved in income generation activities such as Goat keeping, Candle making (small amount for selling), Housework and Organic pesticide preparation (she has used it on her field). With her income, she single handed runs her family.
She is well known as “Aama” means “Mother” in the community. The women feel gratified as she is always there to solve their problem even if it is a personal matter. She is always helpful and supportive. She even visits every house in the community in order to encourage the women for participation. She is taken as a role model in the community.
She is the president of Single Women Group in Jitpur Phedi VDC. She is respected person, playing a leading role among her people. She is always willing to help, encourage people and support them for their own improvement.
She is a proactive person, who is really interested in women’s work and involvement as a group. She believes that underdeveloped people live in the dark, while developed people shine in a certain way.
She is satisfied with the work VIN has been performing in the community, as she has witnessed the development since the involvement of the VIN. Before VIN started working, there was no education and no skills in general. After VIN’s involvement, women have committed in groups, involved in literacy classes as well as different trainings (life skills trainings, vegetable farming –seasonal and off seasonal-, etc.).
She always encourages women to participate in the different activities and to work together as a group. She is involved in Women’s Cooperative activities, have opened and account and taken a loan (15000 Rs for vegetable farming).